Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Drawing Specific Inspiration from the Proclamation

This is the last blog post that I am going to create for this class! It is bittersweet, because this class has been such a great learning journey!

The chapter that I studied in "Successful Marriages and Families" is called, Drawing Specific Inspiration from the Proclamation.

President Boyd K. Packer says, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World... is scripture-like in its power... Read the proclamation... and you'll find answers there. And the answers that are there are the answers of the Church." The most important thing from this quote is that The Family  is there to give us answers. I look to it frequently throughout my life to find answers, and I find something new every time.

By divine design, fathers are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In this, mothers and fathers should work together towards raising their children. Throughout the journey of life, it is relevant that there are hard times and challenges, but we can always find happiness through these things.

In the Proclamation, it talks about how children are entitled to be raised by a mother and a father. I like to think of a mother and a father as 2 separate puzzle pieces. Men have different roles than women, and without the other, they would not be able to give their children what they need!

I would like to end with a great quote from the reading. It states, "there's something that... when as a family your hearts are pointed together toward the same thing, and it's God, then parenting and economics and space and food and disagreements and hassles and joys and celebrations and all that other stuff... it works different, it seems different, it feels different... Our family is all oriented in the same way. Christ is king, He's the center, He's what it's all about... Our faith informs our relationships and everything about us."

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